Hel Ved: Our Teachers of Nature-Conscious Leadership
Great teachers shows us not what to think, but how to see. In a world hungry for authentic leadership, here are some of the teachers that have inspired our work..
Thich Nhat Hanh
Who taught us the art of mindful leadership through deep listening and present-moment awareness.
C.G. Jung
Who showed us how to bridge the conscious and unconscious, teaching us that leadership must embrace both light and shadow to be whole.
Maria Montessori
Who understood that true learning comes through direct experience and that children are our greatest teachers.
Stanislav Grof
Who opened doorways to expanded consciousness and healing, showing us how altered states can access deeper wisdom.
Hans Børli
The Norwegian forest worker-poet who taught us to listen to the whispers of the woods, reminding us that true wisdom comes from working hands and an open heart.
Arne Næss
The Norwegian philosopher who taught us about Deep Ecology and the profound interconnection of all life. His vision of “Self-realization” reminds us that our well-being is inseparable from the well-being of the more-than-human world.
Joanna Macy
Who brings us the Work That Reconnects, teaching active hope in times of crisis and how to turn despair into creative power.
In our programmes, their wisdom lives on:
In our ecological understanding
In our approach to transformation
In our trust in direct experience
In our commitment to wholeness
In our practice of active hope
In our connection to the poetry of the wild
We honor these pioneers by bringing their insights into the present moment, where nature-conscious leadership is needed more than ever. Who are your wisdom teachers? What lineages do you draw from?